We’re always happy to pay tribute to the giants of the past whose shoulders we proudly stand on. With a tradition of recognizing and honoring the accomplishments of the brightest and best from our industry, we are happy to present the past winners below. If you’d like more information, feel free to get in touch.
Tony DeGrate was born on April 25, 1962, in Snyder, Texas, and went on to play college football at the University of Texas. His talent and dedication to training quickly made him a standout player. In 1984, he became a consensus All-American, recording 12 sacks and 123 solo tackles (UT record), and won the prestigious Lombardi Trophy Award.
DeGrate was drafted in the fifth round of the 1985 NFL Draft by the Cincinnati Bengals and was then traded to the Green Bay Packers, where he played in one game during the 1985 season before retiring from the NFL in 1986. Following his retirement, Degrate transitioned into a career as a strength and conditioning coach based in Cedar Park. His passion for training has helped countless athletes develop their skills and reach their full potential.
Throughout his career, Degrate was known for his physicality and outstanding leadership qualities. His commitment to training and hard work made him one of the best defensive tackles of his generation. After retiring from the NFL, Degrate became involved in various business ventures in the Austin area, dedicated himself to charity work and giving back to the community. He remains a beloved figure in Longhorns' history and is remembered by fans as one of the best players to wear the burnt orange and white.
#HappyBirthdayTonyDegrate #TonyDegrate #UniversityOfTexasFootball #LonghornsFootball #LombardiTrophy #AllAmerican #StrengthCoach #NFLHistory #FootballLegend #FootballGreat #DefensiveTackleExtraordinaire #RotaryClubOfHouston